Here’s a New Author You Should Know!

Bob Beeks was the first client of Publishing Gurus – the first writer to work with both Sunny and Betsy. We’re happy to introduce Bob to you.


Q:   Hi, Bob!  Please tell us something about yourself – for example, your age, education, where you live, and so on.

I was born on 11-02-1948. That makes me 61 years young this year.

I lived my young life (before the Navy) in Bettendorf, Iowa. My wife Barb and I have recently moved from Nevada to Colorado.

I hunted and/or fished almost every weekend with my father and/or grandfather. They shared with me hundreds of stories of their lives and our ancestors, spanning back four generations. Story telling soon became a part of my life. Like math or playing my guitar: the more I practiced, the better I became. People listened, and I really enjoyed that. I love to share my stories. I was and still am a story teller.

It was easy for me to pass classes in school. So, I sought to learn new things beyond school. I was more interested in working on new types of flying vehicles or indoor hydroponic gardening. I loved my study time, because I could see an enormous world of knowledge out there that I could possess and share.

My father was a master electrician and a novice mathematician. Even at a young age, he would present math problems to me and I was challenged to solve them. We treated this as a as a game. My grandfather was a pipefitter. He also was a master wood carver. He made everything from gun stocks to duck decoys. I spent many hours watching him turn raw pieces of wood into objects of great beauty and function.

My mother and I are very close. SHE IS A REMARKABLE LADY. Her life during and after the Great Depression was not as nice as my father’s. It was a daily struggle for her and her family just to eat. My mother was a beautiful woman, and my father’s heart jumped when he met her. He loved her all his life and it was very obvious. I grew up in a household surrounded by love.

I tell you about these people because they shaped my life. I am very much an accumulation of their legacies to me. I know who I am and how that identity was formed. I look at myself and see my father, grandfather, my mother, and of course me.

Q:   What exactly do you do for a living?

Before retirement, I was a Quality Engineering Manager. I negotiated solutions to problems.  I spent my life writing procedures and establishing systems to assure quality of operations.

Q:   When did you decide to write books?

I was nine years old. I not only decided to write a book – I wrote one! I printed it in dark blue pencil. I had just finished reading THE THREE MUSKETEERS , and was totally inspired. I remember that it wasn’t very long, but it was a story. Since then I have filled many notebooks with stories and story notes.

Q:   How many books have you written? Tell us about them.

In 2003 and 2004, I co-authored two screenplays, Dark Frost and Heroes of the Home. I have finished one novel, HIM. It’s about a nurse, Sarah, and her young son, who escaped two years ago to a small town in Northern Minnesota – to hide from the man who killed her husband. She knows this man only as HIM. She and her son are now a part of this little community. They feel safe surrounded by their new friends. But her tranquil feeling of security suddenly fades as her nightmares of HIM return, and a young woman just down the road is killed. Sarah becomes convinced that she and her son will be targeted by HIM. Has HE found them? Sarah and the town’s cranky old sheriff are left to solve this mystery.

Q:   What are some of your favorite books by other authors? How have they influenced your own work?

No doubt that the most influential author was my first favorite, Edgar Rice Burroughs. With his fanciful outside-the-box writing style and high-quality descriptions, I could escape into other worlds totally unknown to me before, and become – for a short time – other people. His influence stays with me even today.

There are hundreds of other authors who have influenced my writing, too many to list them all. But let me mention two of them: Jean Marie Auel, who authored a series of historical novels set in prehistoric Europe. She explored interactions of Cro-Magnon people with Neanderthals.  I read every book in the series many times over. Her descriptions and information on daily life of the people during that time period inspired me to use words to paint the complete picture.

The other author was Tom Clancy. He is best known for his technicallydetailed espionage and military science storylines set during and in the aftermath of the Cold

War.  Once I start reading one of his books, I simply can’t put it down. I feel like I am right there, doing the action of the storyline and living the plot. They are great books.

Q:   Do you have any hobbies, things about which you’re really passionate? Other than writing, that is?

I love fishing and designing. I have a passion for physics and mechanical/electrical devices. I spend a great amount of time researching new concepts of designs.

Q:   Whose services have you used for designing and editing your books?

Publishing Gurus         Editor àBetsy Gordon   Designer à Sunny Kapoor

Q:   What’s your target audience? Do you only write for an American audience, or are you also interested in writing for Asia and Europe?

It would be easier to describe people who shouldn’t read my books. Those people who don’t like hear a good story shouldn’t purchase my books. All other people are my target audience. Fortunately for me, the majority of our human population loves a good story. Actually, it’s been bred into us the since the beginning.

Q:   How do you market your books?

I started with friends and family. In my case, that was a lot of people. Then I built a web site where people can purchase my books – ROBEEKS.COM – I advertise the web site to as many people as I can.  I always carry a copy of the book with me and hand out cards to my web site.  It works. There are a lot of readers out there. My first book is also available on

Q:   If a traditional publisher or bookstore approached you about publishing your work, would you accept the offer, or would you wish to remain your own boss?

WOW, WHAT A QUESTION! Well, it would depend on the offer. And since I have many more books outlined, ready to write, I would still be my own boss.

Q:   Tell us something about your upcoming books.

Currently, I’m finishing an action mystery book, THE GRIFFIN . After that I plan on writing HIM 2 .

Q:   What advice do you have for new writers?

Write every day.

Get a great editor and designer.

Enjoy yourself.